Camping with Kids: Tips for a Fun-filled Adventure!

Camping with Kids: Tips for a Fun-filled Adventure!

Haven Tents Haven Tents
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Kids love to go camping (most of them at least). Camping with kids can be an enjoyable and learning-filled experience, resulting in the creation of memories that will last a lifetime! However, for the people responsible for keeping the kids entertained (mostly the parents or teachers), camping with kids is not all fun and games...  

Children oscillate between high-voltage energy and apathetic lethargy. If you want to keep them busy and entertained, you need to meet them at least halfway (with the energy, not the lethargy). Planning you adventure beforehand will go a long way in avoiding scenarios where you feel like tearing your hair out because of their questions, requests, or badgering. Keeping kids entertained is not difficult if you know what to do! Almost everything can be turned into an activity with age-appropriate roles for the kids. Here are three tips and tricks to inspire you next to you're out camping with kids!

Camping with kids in a hammock

Tip 1: Whipping Up Camping Treats


You know what they say... if you can't keep the kids away, the best approach is to involve them and make them a part of it! Well, no one really says that, we just made that up. But it works in this case! Instead of wasting time and getting frustrated trying to keep them busy elsewhere while cooking for camp, let your kids help you out!


Assign tasks to the kids that are suitable for their ages. This approach will keep them engaged and help them understand the progress of food preparation. As a result, they'll be less likely to ask constantly and will take pride in the delicious treat that awaits them at the end of their efforts. It's a win-win for everyone involved.


Preparing some quick treats can be a great way to stave off hunger and keep crankiness at bay while camping with kids. Get your little ones involved in making s’mores, preparing trail mix, or whipping up a batch of Rice Krispies treats. They can even assist with getting entire meals ready. It’s a fun way to keep everyone satisfied and engaged.


Tip 2: Story Telling


Is it even a camping trip if you haven’t shared stories? Whether gathered around the campfire or cozy inside the tent, storytelling is a cherished camping tradition. Kids thrive on stories, so you can captivate them with tales you create or recount memorable experiences from your own life. By weaving in valuable life lessons or important insights, you can turn storytelling into an engaging and educational experience. It’s a fun way to blend entertainment with learning, and they might not even realize how much they’re gaining from it.


When you are too occupied with other tasks, use a device and arrange for the kids to listen to audio stories. You could either download the stories beforehand or if the camping area has good network coverage, the kids can listen to the stories online or using apps. The kids can also share stories while an adult guides and facilitates them. Boost the creativity of the kids with a session in which they collectively create a story. Start with a story prompt, and each kid contributes a sentence or two that move the story forward. Continue the story by going through a few rounds of the group until it reaches an acceptable end. 

Tip 3: Haven Tent Activities 


Haven hammock tents allow plenty of entertainment opportunities while camping with kids. The hammock tent offers a novel experience that will keep the young campers intrigued for a long time. Even naps become enticing in a Haven Tent. If you bring along a few toys on the camping trip, you can keep a young child not only engaged in the hammock tent but also protected from bugs and rain. Use the spacious pockets for some snacks and water, so that the kids won’t need to step down frequently while playing. For very young kids, you may want to tie the hammock tent a little lower and closer to the ground to avoid the risk of injuries. 


The Haven Tent offers sufficient stability for the kids to be able to play board games. You could encourage the kids to play free pyramid solitaire while they lie down comfortably in their Haven hammock tents. Kids can even do some camping crafts inside the tent. If the kids enjoy reading, we suggest letting them bring along a book or two (even better if it is related to camping) or letting them carry their ebook reading device. 

In Conclusion


If you run out of ideas for entertaining the kids, step back and take a look at the task you were busy with. All or most tasks can either be turned into a learning opportunity, game, or activity. Take the suggestions of kids as well, sometimes the best ideas come from their young and creative brains. 

Keeping the kids entertained while camping is easier with Haven Tents. Rather than a simple hammock or tent, carry a Haven Tent with you, and the camping trip will become the adventure of a lifetime for the kids and you. 

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